Tablet Magazine

04 June 2024
27 Iyar 5784

The Fifth Republic is not perfect, but it’s a very good synthesis of our history. It synthesizes the old regime with what came out of the Revolution.

Benjamin Haddad

Tablet in Paris

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From the Archives

  • France’s Great Debate Over the Sources and Meaning of Muslim Terror

    A rivalry between the country’s two most prominent ‘Islamologists,’ Olivier Roy and Gilles Kepel, holds the key to understanding the existential and geopolitical tensions in France’s bloody reality


  • Israel on the Front Lines

    The former prime minister of France explains that Israel fights in Gaza not only to defend itself, but to protect the values and security of a civilization under siege by an army of cowards and negationists


  • Israel’s French New Wave

    The growing and distinctly western Mediterranean olim are a boon to Israel but a dark omen for the future of France



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