Marc Tracy is a staff writer at The New Republic, and was previously a staff writer at Tablet. He tweets @marcatracy.
This Passover, help yourself to some cookie dough
Think Yiddish, dress Irish
Leaving Midwood, and other tales
Brooklyn’s hip Mile End deli modernizes the traditional meal once again
The top 10 Christmas songs written by Jews, from ‘Silver Bells’ to ‘Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow’
Plus the greatest video clip ever, and no more
In summing up, the moral seems a little bit obscure
The week that was on Tablet Magazine
The Comment of the Week concerns adolescence
More on the profile of Mickey Gitzin today on Tablet
Ben Ehrenreich is on assignment for the ‘New York Times Magazine’
Plus Kadima threat to leave government is real, and more in the news
Can activist Mickey Gitzin focus the social justice movement on a political message about synagogue and state?
Plus this could be the last time, I don’t know
Last original Labor Zionist standing speaks out about wealth inequality
Kadima says Netanyahu backtracked on pledge to get serious about draft
This week’s Shivah Star is dancer Frances Alenikoff
And while it may not be anti-Semitic, it’s pretty dishonest