Tova Cohen is a fundraising communications professional and freelance writer. She lives with her family in New Jersey.
Crowdsourced communal matchmaking apps take off—for the Orthodox and non-Orthodox alike
A new book deepens the Orthodox Jewish community’s conversation around female sexuality
A wedding in a parking lot was not what we had planned
My first Hanukkah as a single mom looked a little bleak. Since then, I’ve gotten better at showing my kids the joys of the holiday.
A 32-year-old mom of two takes a Birthright Israel trip and finds she has something to learn from her young companions
Adina Lichtman started Knock Knock Give a Sock out of her college dorm two years ago. Now, her organization has given out over 50,000 pairs of socks to homeless men and women around the U.S.
Two years after my divorce, I’m finally learning how to stop focusing on what other people think of me
The holiday’s ‘mishloach manot’ boxes used to involve juice and a bag of chips. Now competitive moms have raised the stakes.
Gluten-free and vegan offerings abound at this year’s Kosherfest mega-expo
Phyllis Koegel, OU Kosher’s only female executive, persuades food companies to get certified with a hekhsher
The master of horror talks Goosebumps, scaring kids, and his Passover Seders
A nonprofit called Elijah’s Journey tries to raise awareness about suicide and mental illness in a specifically Jewish context
For two weeks at Camp Simcha every summer, campers aren’t kids with cancer or kids with cerebral palsy. They’re just kids.
Aspiring comedian Josh Orlian delivers dirty jokes on America’s Got Talent
My mother and I used to be at each other’s throats; now everything is different
I spent my teenage years in rebellious pursuit of an unattainable body. It almost cost me everything.
A weekend retreat inspires advocacy for gay Orthodox Jews and creates a support network for families in religious communities
‘Bible Kings’ features competitors in the world’s biggest Tanakh contest