Israel Update

The Hostage Deal: Is Trump Endorsing Biden’s Policy?

Mike and Gadi discuss Israel’s uneasy deal, MAGA isolationism, Knesset turmoil, and a Supreme Court scandal—plus, why Mike’s lower expectations keep him less worried than Gadi

January 15, 2025

The deal that Israel is now forced to accept is not very different from the one the Biden administration has tried to impose. Combined with the rise of the isolationist elements of MAGA, this may signify a worrying trend. But Mike is less concerned than Gadi is. Granted, he also had significantly lower expectations.

Plus: turmoil in Israel’s Knesset, and a new scandal involving the man designated to preside over Israel’s Supreme Court.


Israel Update
The Hostage Deal: Is Trump Endorsing Biden's Policy?
Mike and Gadi discuss Israel’s uneasy deal, MAGA isolationism, Knesset turmoil, and a Supreme Court scandal—plus, why Mike’s lower expectations keep him less worried than Gadi
January 15, 2025
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