Israel Update

One Law for the Elites, Another for the Masses

Mike Doran and Gadi Taub discuss the turmoil in Israel caused by one soldier’s “sedition”

June 1, 2024

A reservist soldier recorded a video addressing Prime Minister Netanyahu, and telling him that the army is behind him, but also calling on Minister of Security Gallant to resign if he is not determined to win this war, and that if he does not, the army will not follow him. The press filled with outrage against this “sedition.” An investigation was promptly launched. Meanwhile, the newly elected leader of the tiny Labor Party, General Yair Golan, called on reservists not to report to duty until the government calls for new elections.


Israel Update
One Law for the Elites, Another for the Masses
Mike Doran and Gadi Taub discuss the turmoil in Israel caused by one soldier's "sedition"
June 01, 2024
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