Take One

Bava Kama 19

Nothing worth doing is easy

November 21, 2023

Today’s Talmud page, Bava Kama 19, talks all about animals, and what they eat, whether it is what they are expected to eat, or sometimes the unexpected. In these days, when animal euthanasia has grown by such a high percentage, this is a moment to consider the need to love our animals, even when they behave in less than optimal ways. Perhaps they will eat food that you haven’t designated for them, or nip at your toes as you are watching TV. Perhaps when they wake you up in the middle of the night with a desperate need to be taken out, we should see it as a reminder that the ease of modern life has made us complacent. What can we learn from our four-legged friends? Listen and find out.

Take One
Bava Kama 19
Nothing worth doing is easy
November 21, 2023
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We think you may also enjoy Liel’s new book, How the Talmud Can Change Your Life: Surprisingly Modern Advice from a Very Old Book, available directly from the publisher or wherever you purchase books.

Take One is a Tablet Studios production. The show is hosted by Liel Leibovitz and is produced and edited by Darone Ruskay, Quinn Waller, and Elie Bleier. Our team also includes Stephanie Butnick, Josh Kross, Robert Scaramuccia, and Tanya Singer. 

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