Take One

Nedarim 30

In today’s Talmud page, the importance of the colloquial

November 24, 2022

Today’s Talmud page, Nedarim 30, explores the importance of language. The rabbis discuss how to understand an oath that is made about someone not yet born, and discuss the importance of not putting language on too high a pedestal. We are joined by Tablet Director of Production Josh Kross, and former producer of a podcast about hip-hop called The Cipher.

Josh shares the ways in which hip-hop has taken the vernacular and created art. How has hip-hop elevated everyday language into something sublime? Listen and find out.

Take One
Nedarim 30
In today's Talmud page, the importance of the colloquial
November 24, 2022
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Take One is a Tablet Studios production. The show is hosted by Liel Leibovitz and is produced and edited by Darone Ruskay, Quinn Waller and Elie Bleier. Our team also includes Stephanie Butnick, Josh Kross, Mark Oppenheimer, Sara Fredman Aeder, Robert Scaramuccia, and Tanya Singer. 

Check out all of Tablet’s podcasts at tabletmag.com/podcasts.