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Editor’s Picks
By Holiday
Joan Nathan’s Chosen Hamantaschen
By Joan Nathan
My Mother-in-Law’s Hamantaschen
By Daphne Keller
Queen Esther’s Toast
By Joan Nathan
Tagliolini colla Crosta
By Joan Nathan
Absinthe-Minded Esther, The Perfect Purim Cocktail
By Hugh J. Remar
Ethel Meets Esther
By Charles Joly
B’ebe be Tamer (Date-filled Cookies)
By Naama Shefi and Ilana Isaac
Funfetti Hamantaschen
By Micah Siva
Moroccan Ginger Petit Fours
By Paola Gavin
Za’atar Strata With Matzo, Caramelized Leeks, and Feta
By Quinn Waller
The Matzo Brei recipe from ‘The World Famous Ratner’s Meatless Cookbook’
By Peter Gethers
Chicken Marbella
By Elin Schoen Brockman
Chocolate Mousse Pie for Passover
By Shannon Sarna
Matzo Caramel Buttercrunch
By Marcy Goldman
Passover Chocolate Chip Cookies
By Joan Nathan
Baccalà al Ghetto
By Dana Klitzberg
Mexican Salmon Ceviche
By Joan Nathan
Daniel Boulud’s Passover Pancake
By Daniel Boulud
Mahkuda with Harissa
By Emma Spitzer and Mitchell Beazley
Siberian Chremsel
By Joan Nathan
The Perfect Passover Cake
By Leah Koenig
Matzos Coffee
By Carol Ungar
Passover Hazelnut Torte
By Annette Gendler
By Lara Rabinovitch
Meringue Kisses
By François Payard
Gil Marks’s Turkish Haroset
By Danielle Crittenden Frum
Red Onion and Parsley ‘Maror’
By Danielle Crittenden Frum
Kid-Friendly Charoset
By Sally Sampson
Breakfast Berry Crumble
By Shannon Sarna
Nuts in Honey and Sugar
By Joan Nathan
Tammy’s Passover-the-Granola
By Nina Lichtenstein
Kid-Friendly Matzo Brei
By Sally Sampson
Horseradish Vodka
By Bonnie Frumkin Morales and Deena Prichep
Swiss Chard and Potato Fritada
By Paola Gavin
Dark Jammy Charoset
By Alexander Aciman
Tiramatzu (Matzo Tiramisu)
By Jake Cohen
The Ultimate Matzo Ball Soup
By Joan Nathan
Gluten-Free Matzo Ball Soup
By Anne Luder - from the Gluten Free Passover Cookbook
Matzo Farfel Chocolate Chip Cookies
By Jordana Narin
Salmon Gefilte Fish Mold
By Joan Nathan
Moroccan Ginger Petit Fours
By Paola Gavin
By Elana Benjamin
Cottage Cheese Cake
By Carol Ungar
By Joan Nathan and Adam Tihany
Light and Creamy Cheesecake with Nut Brittle and Blueberries
By Katja Goldman, Judy Bernstein Bunzl, and Lisa Rotmil
Tchav Soup
By Joan Nathan
Israeli Cheesecake
By Vered Guttman
Malai, Romanian Cornmeal Ricotta Breakfast Pudding
By Joan Nathan
Lemony Cheesecake
By Joan Nathan
Cheese-Filled Sambusak
By Joan Nathan
Baked Sea Bass with Artichokes, Mozzarella, and Old Bay Seasoning
By Marcia Friedman
Rosh Hashanah
Moroccan Fish
By Joan Nathan
Couscous de Poisson
By Joan Nathan
Zwetschgenkuchen (Italian plum tart)
By Joan Nathan
Salmon Gefilte Fish Mold
By Joan Nathan
Honey Cake
By Nechama Stub
Adam Sobel’s Holiday Brisket
By Adam Sobel
Rice Pudding with Pomegranate Sauce
By Hugh J. Remar
Sticky Rice Pudding
By Elissa Goldstein
Sweet and Crunchy Kugel
By Joan Nathan
Thyme Honey and Sesame Baklava
By Tami Ganeles Weiser
Yom Kippur
By Elana Benjamin
Potato Kreplach
By Micah Siva
Joan Nathan’s Chosen Stuffed Cabbage
By Joan Nathan
Etrog Preserves
By Victoria Granof
Roasted Tsimmes
By Leah Koenig
Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah
Cabbage Strudel
By Joan Nathan
Classic Kreplach
By Carol Ungar
Crispy Traditional Potato Pancakes With Applesauce
By Joan Nathan
Sufganiyot (Israeli Jelly Doughnuts)
By Joan Nathan
Potato Latkes with Celeriac Root and Apple
By Joan Nathan
Kiftes de Prasa, Macedonian Leek and Meat Patties
By Joan Nathan
Pulled Brisket Latkes
By Shannon Sarna
Chicken ‘Levivot’
By Ron and Leetal Arazi
Avocado Latkes Breakfast Tacos
By Amy Kritzer
Keftes Garaz: Sweet-and-Sour Syrian Meatballs
By Joan Nathan
Tu B’Shevat
Eli Kirshtein’s Tu B’Shevat Persimmon Salad
By Eli Kirshtein
Sacred Species Salad
By Joan Nathan
Quinoa Salad
By Joan Nathan