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Watching Her Throne

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg continues to have her moment—in Washington, D.C., on the Internet, and in our hearts

Hannah Vaitsblit
October 30, 2015

This week, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is at the top of everyone’s news feeds thanks to the release of a new biography Notorious RBG: The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg by Shana Knizhnik and MSNBC reporter (and Tablet contributor) Irin Carmon. To promote their book, which stemmed from a Tumblr meme, the authors went on HuffPost Live where they revealed RGB’s favorite ruling: the majority opinion she wrote in United States v. Virginia, defending gender equality by using her own precedents.

On Friday, Ginsburg, a career-long pioneer for same-sex marriage, immigrant, and reproductive rights, met in a weekly conference with fellow Supreme Court Justices. Among the petitions under review were a few cases stemming from 2014’s “Hobby Lobby” decision—striking down a provision that would have required, according The New York Times, “family-owned corporations to pay for insurance coverage for contraception under the Affordable Care Act”—for which Ginsburg wrote the dissenting opinion. On Monday, the Supreme Court will announce whether or not it will hear those cases.

In many circles, Ginsburg is an honorable pop hero. In fact, RBG is so hip nowadays—revered even among millennials—that her judicial get-up even got the Broad City treatment for Halloween. (Judge Judy makesan appearance, too). There’s apparently no stopping U.S. Supreme Court Justice (and wine-drinking bubbe) Ruth Bader Ginsburg from sitting on her throne as the “queen of the Internet.”

Hannah Vaitsblit is an intern at Tablet.