Josh Kross
Take One

Take One: Berakhot 3

Today’s daily page of Talmud warns us that the perfect is the enemy of the good, and gives us tips on how to live in a broken world

January 7, 2020
Josh Kross

Take One is Tablet’s Daf Yomi podcast, reading one page of Talmud a day. For past episodes, click here.

Today’s Daf Yomi, Berakhot 3, tells us a curious story about Rabbi Yosei Ben Halafta, who lived in the second century CE. Not wanting to say his prayers while traveling, he enters an abandoned ruins and prepares to pray in peace, when a series of mystical events unfold that teach him a few valuable lessons. Why was Yosei visited by the prophet Elijah? And what does their conversation teach us about living in a world that’s profoundly broken and constantly feeling like you’re falling short of your goals? Listen and find out.

Take One is Tablet Magazine’s daily Daf Yomi podcast.