Josh Kross
Take One

Take One: Berakhot 12

Today’s daily page of Talmud begins with a ruling on wine, beer, and blessings, and inspires a a meditation on going green

January 15, 2020
Josh Kross

Today’s Daf Yomi page, Berakhot 12, raises a thorny question: What happens if you’re at a party, say, and reach for the Budweiser, and say the appropriate blessing for beer, but then realize you’ve grabbed the Chardonay instead? Do you need to switch up your blessing? The question may sound confusing, but producer Josh Kross helps us arrive at an environmentally friendly meditation on why it’s important to be mindful about what you eat. What does the Daf have to say about going green? Listen and find out.

Take One is Tablet Magazine’s daily Daf Yomi podcast.