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Daybreak: Bibi and Fayyad to Say Hi

Plus what Iran wanted and didn’t get, and more in the news

Marc Tracy
April 17, 2012

• Prime Minister Fayyad will head to Jerusalem to hand-deliver President Abbas’ list of negotiation preconditions to Prime Minister Netanyahu, who has insisted that talks begin without preconditions. [Haaretz]

• (For example, attempting to newly legalize some West Bank outposts, as Bibi’s cabinet will now vote on whether to do, would be the sort of thing Abbas is requesting an end to.) [Haaretz]

• Iran’s foreign minister said the regime is willing to deal on the nuclear program, including the current key sticking point of uranium enrichment, if sanctions are loosened. He wants this done before next month’s Baghdad talks; more likely, the West will keep them at least until those talks, only then offering some easing as a carrot. [NYT]

• Laura Rozen has some scoops on the Istanbul talks: they almost went off the rails at the beginning as Iran’s negotiator kept insisting on lifting sanctions; Iran refusd a bilateral meeting with the United States in part to deny such a diplomatic coup to its host, Turkey, newly an adversary as far as Syria is concerned. [AL Monitor]

• Josef Joffe explains and condemns the motivations behind Günter Grass’s poem (by the way, Grass was recently hospitalized … ) while insisting that Germany is no more anti-Israel or anti-Semitic than most other European countries. [WSJ]

• Deputy Prime Minister Dan Meridor, a Netanyahu confidante and cabinet vote, suggested attacking Iran would be unwise. [Huff Post]

Marc Tracy is a staff writer at The New Republic, and was previously a staff writer at Tablet. He tweets @marcatracy.