Tablet Magazine

Empathy Is Part of Our Jewish DNA

In the midst of a war, the Passover Seder offers a chance to find something we can all agree on, even if we disagree about everything else

The Passover Seder is always a night of questions. But this year, for many of us, the backdrop of Israel’s war with Hamas will make our annual intergenerational gathering around the Seder table more charged than ever. There are those Jews, understandably, whose focus remains on the atrocities of Oct. 7, on ghastly thoughts of hostages subjected to torture and serial rape, and the steps a vigilant Israel must take in response to a variety of Iranian-driven doomsday scenarios. Other Jews, understandably, see the gruesome images emanating from Gaza and openly wonder: At what cost of human life is war justified? Aware as they may be of the attacks of Oct. 7, not to mention Hamas’ cruel use of innocents as human shields, Israel’s response has prompted empathy for Palestinian suffering. Tens of thousands of Gazans have been killed, and far more are injured, displaced, and suffering from disease and hunger. Like the perforated grooves stamped onto a piece of matzo, Israel’s war in Gaza serves to disclose the fault lines of our people. Can we advocate on behalf of Israel and express compassion for Palestinians? Is it possible to mourn both the loss of Israeli and Palestinian life? Are we a people of empathy or vigilance? Compassion or vengeance? The questions run deep into the foundation of who we are as a Jewish people. ...

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Next Up: Passover

On April 22, the holiday of Passover begins. As we prepare for the festival of freedom, take a look through Tablet’s User Guide to Passover. And if you’re in the market for a new haggadah that engages people of different backgrounds, knoweldge, and beliefs, consider checking out Tablet’s Passover Haggadah.

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April 22, 2024

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[kən-ˈvɜr-ʒən] noun

There have always been converts to Judaism. If we follow Torah and say that Abraham was the first Jew, then his wife, Sarah, was the first c...


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