Ritual and Observance:
God and Uman: Joining the Breslovers—and my cousin—for Rosh Hashanah in Ukraine, by Marc Caplan
Shoes You Can Use: What to wear on Yom Kippur, when leather is banned, by Allison Hoffman
The Festive Meal: When Yom Kippur was a time to eat, drink, and be merry, by Eddy Portnoy
Pardon Me: My childhood bullying, and an attempt to atone for it , by David Rakoff
Dark Night: How technology killed the silent, empty Israeli Yom Kippur experience, by Liel Leibovitz
Yom Kippur: A Guide for the Perplexed: Everything you ever wanted to know about the Day of Atonement, by The Editors
Happy New Year: Advice from rabbis and a nutritionist on what to eat when you won’t be eating, by Marc Tracy
Melancholy Melody: Kol Nidre gets me every time, by Alexander Gelfand
How To Atone Like a Child: On Yom Kippur, kids will be kids, by Marjorie Ingall
Daily Sorries:
And don’t forget our Rosh Hashanah roundup.
From the editors at Tablet Magazine