Shavuot FAQ: Everything you ever wanted to know about the Festival of Weeks, by the Editors
Frum Farmer: Though born to a family of cattle dealers, Bill Berman is an anomaly among South Florida’s dairymen, few of whom start their day by putting on tefillin, by Tablet Magazine
Inheritance: First as cattle dealers and now as dairy farmers, the author’s family has long been defined by their cows. A trip back to their Bavarian homeland revealed this legacy to be more unusual—and fraught—than she’d ever imagined. By Daphna Berman
All Night Long: Shavuot is celebrated with all-night study sessions. We asked four people we admire—a novelist, a musician, a rabbi, and a theologian—what texts they’d like to read in the early-morning hours. By Vox Tablet
Fading: The one custom for celebrating Shavuot is to stay up all night and study Jewish texts. But will we continue celebrating the printed word as more and more of what we read is electronic? By Beth Kissileff
Full Bloom: Bella Meyer traces her love of flowers to time she spent with her grandfather, Marc Chagall. Now as the owner of a Manhattan shop, Fleurs Bella, Meyer is creating her own art with blossoms as her medium, by Shoshana Olidort and Jake Marmer
Field Study: Why the holiday of Shavuot is all but ignored across America, by Marissa Brostoff
At Sinai: A recent convert to Judaism discusses why Shavuot is her favorite holiday, by Siân Gibby
Mothers’ Little Helpers: Guidebooks quell the anxieties of raising up a child, by Lynn Harris
DAWN 2010 Celebrates Shavuot: At the mystical intersection of Judaism and science, by Marissa Brostoff
Got Milk? The complicated history of Jews and dairy, by Liel Leibovitz
Dairy Heirs: Shavuot and cheese, past and present, by Joan Nathan
Light and Sweet: A slice of life at a Bronx cheesecake factory, by Blake Eskin
Blintz Binge: One woman’s search for the perfect cheese-filled pancake, by Katie Robbins
Cheese, Glorious Cheese: A taste of Shavuot, by Sara Ivry
From the editors of Tablet Magazine.