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A Venti Cup of Happiness

Huppah Dreams

Marc Tracy
September 12, 2011
Jordan Schultz and Breanna Hawes.(Belathee Photography/NYT)
Jordan Schultz and Breanna Hawes.(Belathee Photography/NYT)

Each Monday, we choose the most interestingly Jewish announcement from that Sunday’s New York Times Weddings/Celebrations section. This week, it’s that of Breanna Hawes and Jordan Schultz, who were married Saturday. “Schultz,” as we’ve discussed, could go either way, but in this case we know who we’re dealing with because the groom’s father is a certain Howard Schultz of Seattle (also, there was a Jewish ceremony). Indeed, East Coast snobs will take heart in the knowledge that the Starbucks honcho summers in East Hampton. And Jews will take pride in the fact that Jordan is the groom’s middle name, and that his first name is Eliahu.

The bride does sports marketing at Edelman, which is no mean feat; the groom writes about sports for the The Huffington Post. So: Both hail from Seattle and chose to work in sports, despite, presumably, being fans of the Mariners, the Seahawks, and (formerly) the SuperSonics. Mazel tov to the unusually optimistic and happy couple!

Marc Tracy is a staff writer at The New Republic, and was previously a staff writer at Tablet. He tweets @marcatracy.

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