G-dcast, the Jewish production company known for its animated depictions of the Bible, is back just in time for Shavuot with a short animated film that tells the story of the Book of Ruth through vibrant imagery and an original song, “As Long as You’re With Me.”
The video’s song is written and performed by singer-songwriter Alicia Jo Rabins, founder of the band Girls in Trouble, which plays original art-pop songs about the women of the Torah. Rabins discussed the band with Vox Tablet in 2009.
In the new song, Rabins provides a soft lyrical narration of the story of Ruth. The chorus begins with the moving phrase in which Ruth pledges her loyalty to her mother-in-law, Naomi: “And where you go I’ll go/where you live will be my home.”
Rabins discussed her love of another Shavuot tradition, the all-night study session, or tikkun layl Shavuot, with Tablet in 2011.
Here’s the new video:
Isabel Fattal, a former intern at Tablet Magazine, attends Wesleyan University.