• Reports have it that Assad’s army shelled a farming village in central Syria yesterday, killing as many as 200. [AP/WSJ]
• An anonymous “Special Correspondent” reports that the Syrian unrest has affected Damascus, mainly through refugees, to an extent not expected in the West, questioning President Assad’s ability to hold onto power. [WP]
• So now it looks like Kadima may leave the government if there’s not an adequate proposed service law after all? [Haaretz]
• The service law debate has reopened very old questions about the nature of Arab Israeli citizenship and identity. [NYT]
• The United States announced new sanctions against what it said were front companies for Iran’s nuclear program. [JTA]
• Israel targeted and killed a terrorist in Gaza, and wounded four other Palestinians—which means it could be one of those weekends. [NYT]
Marc Tracy is a staff writer at The New Republic, and was previously a staff writer at Tablet. He tweets @marcatracy.