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Elena Kagan Likes to Hunt

The Supreme Court Justice shoots to kill

Adam Chandler
October 25, 2012
Supreme Court Justice Elana Kagan(KNIX)
Supreme Court Justice Elana Kagan(KNIX)

Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan visited Knoxville over the weekend to speak to the students of the University of Tennessee law school about the pitfalls and benefits of a woman in the courtroom and to discuss how she deliberates the country’s most controversial cases. I can imagine this was an enlightening, enriching, and compelling conversation for any law student in attendance.

That said, the biggest and most impressive takeaway for me is the news that Kagan announced her love for hunting. During her speech, Kagan recounted some of her outings with fellow bencher Antonin Scalia.

“Last spring, he said to me ‘It’s time to move on to the big game,’” she said, adding that she will miss Saturday’s football game in Neyland to hunt with him in Wyoming.

“I’m hoping to bag myself an antelope.”

There are really no other words for this.

Adam Chandler was previously a staff writer at Tablet. His work has appeared in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Atlantic, Slate, Esquire, New York, and elsewhere. He tweets @allmychandler.