According to the Twitter machine, which is known for its speed more than its accuracy, Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis has been named the new chief rabbi of the United Kingdom. Following a long process, in which a number of surprise candidates made bids that both invigorated and polarized, the selection committee picked Mirvis–a South African-born schochet, mohel, chazan–apparently the candidate who was liked enough by enough of the deciders.
Back in September, here’s how Mirvis’s bid was characterized.
The second preference votes, however, went overwhelmingly to Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis, the longstanding rabbi at Finchley United Synagogue, one of London’s flagship modern Orthodox communities, and former chief rabbi of Ireland. According the sources, committee members decided that since they could not come to an agreement on their first choice, they will seriously explore the option of Mirvis, effectively making him the front-runner.
Mazel tov to Rabbi Mirvis!
Adam Chandler was previously a staff writer at Tablet. His work has appeared in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Atlantic, Slate, Esquire, New York, and elsewhere. He tweets @allmychandler.