Hello Farmer, Goodbye Loiyah!
The Comment of the Week concerns Jewish occupations
May 25, 2012

(Ravi Joshi/Tablet Magazine)

Winner gets a free Nextbook Press book appropriate to his or her comment (if he or she emails me at [email protected] with his or her mailing address).
This week’s winner is “bob kahan,” who, confronted with the video profile of religious Florida dairy farmer Bill Berman, made this undeniable observation: “we need more Jewish farmers and less Jewish loiyahs!”
Kahan gets a copy of President Shimon Peres’ biography of his mentor David Ben-Gurion, who in addition to being Israel’s first prime minister was an orange-picker back in the day.
A Life of Dairy and Davening
Ben-Gurion [Nextbook Press]
Marc Tracy is a staff writer at The New Republic, and was previously a staff writer at Tablet. He tweets @marcatracy.