Yesterday the Thanksgivukkah gods slyly smiled upon us, delivering to our offices the 2014 Nice Jewish Guys calendar, which this year got JDate’s seal of approval. It’s a perplexing if ultimately harmless annual creation that evokes a host of emotions—uneasiness, sadness, rage, ‘I think I went to high school with that guy,’ acceptance—and this year’s is no exception.
Among the eager smiling punims of 12 eligible Jewish bachelors—most of whom seem like they’re probably nice/normal enough if you can forget they posed for a singles calendar (with no discernible charity component)—Mr. February, Alex, stands out. That’s because the first line of his bio reads “This actor/producer is inspired by his dad, Howie Mandel, to “never give up.” The rest is pretty standard online dating profile material—enjoys red wine and a good v-neck tee—though I feel like better advice from dad might be ‘pick briefcase #9.’
Proud dad Howie even brought the calendar with him during his appearance on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno (where he dad-ly refers to it as the ‘nice boys Jewish calendar’). “Have I got a boy for you!” Mandel tells the crowd. Leno, naturally, is upset that the calendar is for 2014 instead of 5774, and asks whether there was a reason they slotted Alex for February, the shortest month. Then—surprise!—Alex himself makes a cameo, sashaying down a mock runway to show off his modeling chops (I’ve watched enough America’s Next Top Model to know that Miss J would not be impressed).
“That’s a Jewish model,” Leno says. Mazel tov, Mr. February.
Stephanie Butnick is chief strategy officer of Tablet Magazine, co-founder of Tablet Studios, and a host of the Unorthodox podcast.