Today, our brothers and sisters at Nextbook Press drop their latest book, The Eichmann Trial, by Deborah Lipstadt. Very briefly: Lipstadt, a scholar of the Holocaust—who famously demonstrated (to the satisfaction of Great Britain’s plaintiff-friendly laws) that Holocaust denier David Irving had misrepresented historical evidence to make his fundamentally untrue claims—explores the remarkable 1961 trial of Adolph Eichmann, one of the chief implementers of the Nazis’ Final Solution. Held in Jerusalem, it cast the genocide of the Jews as a unique historical event (back when that was a novel notion) and in part used the Holocaust as a justification for Israel (still a controversial proposition); it prompted much argument, particularly among American Jews, especially once Hannah Arendt wrote her famous, critical dispatches for The New Yorker. To learn more, listen to Lipstadt on this week’s Vox Tablet and watch the book trailer below. And buy the book!
The Eichmann Trial [Nextbook Press]
The Trial [Tablet Magazine]
Marc Tracy is a staff writer at The New Republic, and was previously a staff writer at Tablet. He tweets @marcatracy.