Introducing Unorthodox, Tablet’s New Podcast
Part of Slate’s Panoply podcast network

I’m excited to announce that Tablet’s newest podcast, Unorthodox, is premiering next week as part of Slate’s Panoply network. Hosted by our editor-at-large Mark Oppenheimer and featuring senior writer Liel Leibovitz and myself, Unorthodox is a smart, fresh, fun take on Jewish news and culture. It’s like Tablet, but without the editors.
We’ll sound off on that week’s news of the Jews–everything from the presidential elections to Amy Schumer, Israel to Drake. (But mostly Drake). We’ll talk to interesting guests about their books and films and projects. It’s not just for Jews, either: each week we’ll hear from a non-Jewish friend with a question they’ve always wanted to ask about some aspect of Judaism. We’ll do our best to not confuse them even more.
We’re excited to continue Tablet’s tradition of smart, insightful audio offerings, including the National Magazine Award-winning podcast Vox Tablet, Israel Story, and the King of the Egg Cream radio play. Unorthodox is produced by our own Julie Subrin, with help from Sara Ivry.
We hope you’ll listen along, and let us know what you think. You can weigh in at [email protected].
To get next Thursday’s episode in your inbox, sign up for the Unorthodox newsletter.
Stephanie Butnick is chief strategy officer of Tablet Magazine, co-founder of Tablet Studios, and a host of the Unorthodox podcast.