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Israel Razing West Bank Settlement Buildings

Supreme Court orders structures in three settlements to be demolished

Stephanie Butnick
May 14, 2014
An Israeli authority bulldozer demolishes a house in the West Bank settlement of Maale Rehavam on May 14, 2014. (MENAHEM KAHANA/AFP/Getty Images)
An Israeli authority bulldozer demolishes a house in the West Bank settlement of Maale Rehavam on May 14, 2014. (MENAHEM KAHANA/AFP/Getty Images)

Israeli forces began razing buildings in the West Bank settlement of Ma’ale Rehavam today after the Israeli Supreme Court lifted a last-minute injunction against demolishing the 10 structures. In total, 28 buildings in three West Bank settlements—Ma’ale Rehavam, Givat Asaf, and Ramat Gilad—will reportedly be demolished as per a November 2013 Supreme Court ruling that ordered the demolition of the structures within six months.

The last-minute injunction was in response to settler claims that the Ma’ale Rehavam land was purchased legally, but the court overturned that injunction and ruled that the land had been purchased illegally and issued a court order for forces to go ahead with the demolition. According to the Times of Israel, four protestors were arrested this morning during the Ma’ale Rehavam demolition.

Stephanie Butnick is chief strategy officer of Tablet Magazine, co-founder of Tablet Studios, and a host of the Unorthodox podcast.