The ability of private groups in Britain to get criminal warrants issued for Israeli officials on grounds of alleged war crimes committed in the course of Operation Cast Lead apparently remains a touchy issue: So touchy, in fact, that when Prime Minister Netanyahu visited London last week, his military attaché did not accompany him, because Maj. Gen. Yohanan Locker had been the air force deputy chief two years ago and feared for his arrest. If Prime Minister David Cameron wishes to persuade the Israelis to return to the negotiation table (as he reportedly does), then allowing Israeli officials to travel freely under normal rules of diplomatic immunity and the like would probably be a productive gesture.
Israeli PM’s Military Attaché Bows Out of U.K. Trip for Fear of Arrest on War Crimes Charges [AP/WP]
David Cameron to Israel: Join Talks or I May Support Independence Declaration [Guardian]
Earlier: U.K. Court Issued Warrant for Livni
Marc Tracy is a staff writer at The New Republic, and was previously a staff writer at Tablet. He tweets @marcatracy.