Israel may have been the Start-Up Nation for a while now, but never was that title more deserved than right this second. That’s because an Israeli start-up has created something that might just completely change the way we see our world our cat’s world.
Cat2See appears to be a device that allows users to solve one of the most vexing questions of our era: what does my cat do all day long? It’s a roving webcam, feeding device, and toy, all of which can be operated remotely from a smartphone. Plus there’s a way to share photos from the webcam, because cats.
We may never know if Jews are a cat people or a dog people, but that doesn’t mean we won’t helicopter parent our cats like nobody’s business. I’m talking about you, Cat Stevens.
Stephanie Butnick is chief strategy officer of Tablet Magazine, co-founder of Tablet Studios, and a host of the Unorthodox podcast.