Judging by the pictures in the online gallery from Israel’s recent hairdressing championship, Israelis have a loose definition of “hairstyle,” including creative use of neckties, peacock feathers. and flower arrangements. That’s probably for the best, as it’s hard to imagine a parade of asymmetrical bobs and flowing perms having nearly the entertainment value of the actual competition, which includes categories for excellence in makeup design and nail extensions.
This was Israel’s first year participating in the Organisation Mondiale Coiffure, a worldwide “beauty organization,” by holding a local contest to select representatives for the world championship in Paris in October. Regionally, Israel is considered by the OMC to be “in the Western Europe zone, as some sort of Zionist dream,” says the Jerusalem Post. The Post describes the event as a “Little Odessa,” with a heavy Russian-beauty-queen vibe and a “nail bar” where people could get cocktails with their manicures. And, of course, the prerequisite declaration by one entrant that “maybe this will help to advance the relationship [between Jews and Arabs].” Based on some of the precariously gaudy creations on display, the OMC just might have glue strong enough to create that elusive bond.
A Big To-Do [Jerusalem Post]
Hadara Graubart was formerly a writer and editor for Tablet Magazine.