Almost every child grows up wanting to be an astronaut, but Jessica Meir has actually done it. Meir has yet to go to space but when she does, she will be the the fifteenth Jewish person to go to space but only the fourth Jewish woman. (Right now there are forty-four “active” astronauts like Meir, and the last Jewish astronaut to go to space was Garrett Erin Reisman, who went twice.) In a recent conversation with Meir she described the process of going from a young child dreaming of making it to outer space to the amazing astronaut she is today. Meir was is also featured in the PBS Documentary A Year in Space, which focuses on Scott Kelly’s record-breaking yearlong mission to explore the effects of long-term spaceflight, and what the next generation of astronauts can learn.
Alexandra Pucciarelli is an editorial intern at Tablet.