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Jewish Kids Come to the Aid of SpongeBob Squarepants, Ace Jimmy Kimmel’s Social Experiment

‘It’s important to assist people in need whenever you can,’ said the comedian. ‘We don’t see it often enough.’

Yair Rosenberg
August 26, 2015

Jimmy Kimmel Live, ABC’s late-night talk show, has a running feature titled “How Long?” in which the producers set up an unusual scenario on the streets of Hollywood and record the reactions of those passing through. On Monday’s edition of the stunt, a performer dressed as Spongebob Squarepants suddenly fell over in the middle of the sidewalk and feigned being unable to get up. “It’s important to assist people in need whenever you can,” explained Kimmel. “We don’t see it often enough.” What happened next did not exactly inspire faith in humanity—until an unlikely group of Hollywood heroes showed up.

In video captured by the show’s hidden cameras, Spongebob lies helpless on the ground. One passerby takes a running jump over him. Another takes a picture. None take his predicament seriously. Then, at nearly the seven-minute mark, several yarmulke-clad Jewish boys appear, and help the costumed character to his feet. Watch the entire clip below to see Spongebob’s amusing reaction:

Yair Rosenberg is a senior writer at Tablet. Subscribe to his newsletter, listen to his music, and follow him on Twitter and Facebook.

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