Jewish LGBT Trailblazers
Today on Jewcy: For Pride Month, highlighting “firsts” for queer Jews.

As double minorities, LGBT Jews are small in number but have left a profound mark on the course of history.
Inherent in Jewish identity is a drive for social justice, or tikkun olam, the belief in repairing the world. It’s not surprising then, that much of LGBT history is woven with a deeply Jewish fabric.
In honor of Pride Month, here are some of the LGBT Jewish trailblazers who broke new ground and transformed the consciousness of society in ways that were unimaginable at the time.
Gabriela Geselowitz is a writer and the former editor of
Peter Fox is a social commentary writer whose work has appeared in CNN Opinion, Newsweek, The Jerusalem Post, and other publications. Follow him on Twitter @thatpeterfox.