Jewish Politicians in the Kitchen
From Golda Meir’s chicken soup to Jack Lew’s potato kugel

You may have missed it, but yesterday was culinary Sunday for Jewish politicians in the media. First, the official English language blog of the Israeli National Archives published Golda Meir’s own chicken soup recipe. Here’s how the Prime Minister made the matzoh balls:
Mrs. Meir generally serves chicken soup with KNEIDLACH which she prepares as follows:
The matzos (unleavened bread) are soaked in cold water until soft, then squeeze dry, crush with a fork and add fried onions and a little oil, some parsley, salt, pepper and two beaten eggs. Add enough matza meal for binding. Make into small balls, set aside before serving for one hour. Half an hour before serving, drop the balls into the boiling soup and cook for about half an hour.
Meanwhile, the New York Times ran a profile of White House Chief of Staff Jack Lew, who also happens to be the administration’s resident Orthodox Jew. After recounting how Lew observes the Sabbath and brings his own (Kosher) lunch every day, the piece offered this tidbit:
His wife, Ruth, lives in their home in the affluent Riverdale section of the Bronx; they commute back and forth and have a daughter in Washington and a son in New York. He likes to cook; he makes a pretty good chicken soup (Ruth is in charge of the matzo balls) and a mean potato kugel.
No word yet, unfortunately, on Lew’s secret recipe, but you can rest assured that The Scroll is on the case.
Golda’s Kitchen [Israel’s Documents]
Jacob Lew, Low-Key Power Broker [NYT]
Yair Rosenberg is a senior writer at Tablet. Subscribe to his newsletter, listen to his music, and follow him on Twitter and Facebook.