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Jews Dominate NYC Mayoral Write-In Votes

If there are moral victories to be had, a vote for Lou Reed is one of them

Adam Chandler
December 05, 2013
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg in May 2013.(Spencer Platt/Getty)
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg in May 2013.(Spencer Platt/Getty)

To the chagrin of some, the end of Jewish mayoral triumvirate (NYC-LA-Chicago) is upon us. In less than a month, Bill de Blasio will replace Michael Bloomberg after 12 years on the job. The election results were a total blowout and, with the result pre-guaranteed, a disproportionate number of hilarious write-in votes were cast. Unsurprisingly, many in the world’s biggest Jewish city were pining for their New York of old when they entered the booths.

First, an obvious recipient for top write-in spot was Christine Quinn (196 votes), who had been the presumptive frontrunner for much of the race until the polling and reality both caught up. But then things got a little wacky. Michael Bloomberg was second (155 votes). This seems noteworthy (or at least telling) since the winner of write-in votes in Bloomberg’s third and final election in 2009 was Mr. Burns, the caricature of a power-crazed billionaire on the The Simpsons.

Bill Thompson, who finished second to Bill de Blasio in the Democratic primary run-off, was third (63 votes). Scoring in the top ten were a few other failed mayoral contenders, including Anthony Weiner (41), outgoing NYPD commish Ray Kelly, and former Black Panther Assata Shakur (currently on the FBI’s Most Wanted list).

Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani outscored the rest of the former mayors (17) and both Clintons received numerous votes as well. Multiple people voted for Eliot Spitzer (4) though he was running for comptroller (and lost) as well as Texas Senator Ted Cruz (3), who got one more vote than Derek Jeter. Of course, sentimental votes were cast for Hizzoner Ed Koch (the three-term iconoclastic mayor who passed away last winter). Then came the list of luminaries receiving just one vote. Among them: Alfred Neuman (yes that one), Brian Lehrer, Carlos Danger (Anthony Weiner’s infamous nom de guerre), Howard Stern, Mayim Bialik, and Lou Reed.

Adam Chandler was previously a staff writer at Tablet. His work has appeared in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Atlantic, Slate, Esquire, New York, and elsewhere. He tweets @allmychandler.