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Last Post of the Week About This Stuff

I swear

Marc Tracy
May 20, 2011
Best friends forever!(Alex Wong/Getty Images)
Best friends forever!(Alex Wong/Getty Images)

Did you hear there was some controversy over what President Obama said about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in a speech yesterday? It’s true! Here are some people having thoughts about it. And I promise there will be zero mention of it in Sundown. Also, a reminder: President Obama addresses the AIPAC Conference Sunday morning; we will have a firsthand report later that day.

• Hey, look, here is one more place where you can get mad at me. [Capital]

• It definitely makes sense to focus on the small gap between President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu, and not the fact that on other issues like Syria and Iran and almost every other aspect of the Palestinian situation, they agree. [NYT]

• The U.S. administration, which never liked Bibi much to begin with, likes him even less now. [Ben Smith]

• The Turkish president likes the speech. This is perhaps less helpful. [WSJ]

• Aluf Benn says the speech was a huge victory for Netanyahu. Fancy that. [Haaretz]

• Charles Krauthammer slams the Israel parts of the speech (he likes the rest of it). [WP]

• But David Ignatius likes all parts. [WP]

• From the senseless Israeli right, Likudnik Danny Danon calls for annexation. [NYT]

• Palestinian politician Mustafa Barghouti says reconciliation represents an opportunity for peace, which is also senseless. [IHT]

Marc Tracy is a staff writer at The New Republic, and was previously a staff writer at Tablet. He tweets @marcatracy.