In a 5-4 vote, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Friday to legalize gay marriage nationwide—a right now guaranteed by the Constitution. The ruling means that all states must now perform—and recognize—same-sex marriages. Justice Kennedy wrote the majority opinion.
In light of this (wonderful) news, which was symbolically lauded by the White House, here’s a round-up of Tablet’s coverage of same-sex marriage, and the personal stories behind the news:
Gay Marriage’s Jewish Pioneer: Faygele ben Miriam by Eli Sander
— The activist called Faygele ben Miriam started Washington state’s battle over marriage more than 40 years ago
Stay Out of It by Hillel Y. Levin
— On same-sex marriage, Orthodox Jews should keep the religious and civil separate—as they do on other issues
Why Today is Different From All Other Days by Wayne Hoffman
— In 2013, the Supreme Court struck down the Defense of Marriage Act
A Chained Man by Seth Goren
— Thanks to the patchwork of laws about same-sex marriage, I got trapped in legal limbo when I wanted a divorce
Getting Grandma’s Blessing by Roni Handler
— When I got engaged—to another rabbi, and another woman—my grandmother’s approval didn’t come easy
Why I’m Keeping My Name by Jesh Nishball
— I’ve been teased about it my whole life, but my name is a part of me. Getting married won’t change that.
Jewish Groups File Favoring Gay Marriage by Allison Hoffman
— Two same-sex marriage cases were heard in March 2013
Destination Wedding by Allison Hoffman
— How a Toronto shul grappled with gay marriage
Rabbinic Scion Clinches Same-Sex Marriage by Allison Hoffman
— With religious exemptions in place, N.Y. state Sen. Saland voted his conscience
Bar Mitzvah Boy Preaches Marriage Equality by Stephanie Butnick
— The most articulate d’var Torah you’ve ever heard a 13-year-old deliver
Maintaining a Family Fiction About My Uncle—And His Partner of 33 Years by Melanie Radley
— Last week’s Supreme Court decision on gay marriage came too late for Uncle Bill, who had to keep his relationship a secret
Gay Marriage’s Legal Crusader by Allison Hoffman
— This week, Roberta Kaplan will try to get the Supreme Court to overturn DOMA—ratifying her marriage, too
Making It Legal After Making It Legal by Marc Tracy
— Huppah Dreams
Jonathan Zalman is a writer and teacher based in Brooklyn.