Peter Guber, co-owner of the Golden State Warriors, is under fire for using the word “hoodish” in an email to employees yesterday, referencing all the new languages he has to learn this year to converse with the NBA’s record number of foreign-born players. In the email, which he sent from his phone and which was obtained by Yahoo Sports, he wrote, “I’m taking rosetta stone to learn Hungarian Serbian Australian swahili and hoodish This year. But it’s nice.”
He quickly apologized, explaining that he meant to type the word “Yiddish,” and either mistyped the word or it got autocorrected by his phone.
“Someone just brought to my attention that an email I responded to earlier contains the word ‘hoodish,’ which I don’t even think Is a Word, and certainly not the one I intended to use. I intended to type Yiddish. Either my mobile fone [sic] autocorrected or it was typed wrong. In any event I regret if anyone was unintendedly [sic] offended.”
While I couldn’t recreate this exact mishap myself—my phone recognized the word “Yiddish,” perhaps having adjusted to my own texting habits—the autocorrect feature on smartphones has been known to create some unintentionally uncomfortable situations.
Either way: Oy vey.
Zack Schrieber is an intern at Tablet Magazine. Follow him on Twitter @zschrieber.