One Wedding and One Baby
Huppah Dreams, the wedding of the week

Each Monday, we choose the most interestingly Jewish announcement from that Sunday’s New York Times Weddings/Celebrations section. Not included in that section is, indeed, probably the most interestingly Jewish wedding of the week: that between Priscilla Chan and her longtime boyfriend Mark Zuckerberg. But we do turn, as we rarely do, to the week’s featured vow, that between Rebecca Creskoff and Michael Krasner, which involves the Hollywood ending of a 41-year-old woman marrying a fertility doctor and then winding up pregnant via more primitive and less voluntary means. Hollywood is not foreign terrain for Creskoff, an actress who was a regular on the HBO series Hung; you might also recognize her as Barbara Katz, the disapproving sister of the beloved Mad Men department store heiress Rachel Menken Katz (Jon Hamm is a friend of the bride), and as the restaurant hostess Larry dates and then breaks up with, meaning he can’t go to the restaurant anymore.
What drew the groom to the bride? “She is a 40-year-old with a 16-year-old spirit, a 60-year-old soul and a 26-year-old body. And she was Jewish, too.” Boy, would I love to meet this guy’s mother. Mazel tov to the happy couple!
Marc Tracy is a staff writer at The New Republic, and was previously a staff writer at Tablet. He tweets @marcatracy.