Journey into the High Holidays with Amichai Lau-Lavie, founder of Storahtelling and the spiritual leader of Lab/Shul. It’s a daily dose of inspiration to get you focused and ready for the new year, featuring daily intentions, simple tasks, and tools for living better.
Another journey ends as this new year now truly begins. This 40-day journey began on the first day of Elul, August 7—remember? We traveled through the four worlds: reflecting on the body, emotions, thoughts and spirit, taking time out to go within, refocus, and renew.
So nu? Renewed? I hope so. I am.
I’m so glad to have taken on these daily intentions, feeling infintely more focused and ready for the year ahead. I’m grateful to many of you who traveled with me and took the time to share feedback, questions, and thumbs up. It means a lot and has been so helpful to me through the struggles of this journey. (It’s not too late to share your reactions, highlights, and ideas for next year!)
I started the journey by weighing myself: What’s the net worth of my being on earth? Body, mind, and soul—what’s my footprint and what can be improved or changed. I weighed 176 pounds and committed to lose six. Today’s great news? Watch here:
In many other ways I felt like I was able to slow down, focus, fix some relationships, take on commitments, make amends, breathe deeply, and really pause.
Here’s to a year of more mindfulness and well-being, and taking better care of self and others. May all our journeys be blessings.
Shana Tova!
Follow along with the Scroll’s daily Prepent series here.
Amichai Lau-Lavie is the founder of Storahtelling, and the spiritual leader of Lab/Shul, an emerging New York City congregation.