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Rouhani’s NYC Tweets; Tel Aviv’s Spotty Wi-Fi

Plus a decade of trying to halt Iran’s nuclear program, and more in the news

Stephanie Butnick
September 24, 2013
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani arriving in New York for the U.N. General Assembly.(Twitter)
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani arriving in New York for the U.N. General Assembly.(Twitter)

• Jeffrey Goldberg “uncovered” Iranian President Hassan Rouhani tweets-to-be from his visit to New York for the United Nations General Assembly. #latkes [Bloomberg]

• Here are Rouhani’s actual, somewhat less exciting tweets so far. [Jerusalem Post]

• Foreign Policy has a thorough, decade-long timeline of international diplomacy efforts and pressure to halt Iran’s nuclear program. [Foreign Policy]

• Meanwhile, Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Khomenei, has authorized Rouhani to make an overture for direct talks on Iran’s nuclear program while he’s in town. [NYT]

• Tel Aviv’s much-lauded free citywide Wi-Fi is a bit spotty. [Haaretz]

• University of West Georgia professor Carrie Pitzulo has a moving response to Marjorie Ingall’s column about her abortion and miscarriage. [Nursing Clio]

Stephanie Butnick is chief strategy officer of Tablet Magazine, co-founder of Tablet Studios, and a host of the Unorthodox podcast.