Shomrim Allegations; Nora Ephron Bio Details
Plus Red Sea-Dead Sea pipeline finally happening, and more in the news

• A man shot in a 2010 confrontation with members of Borough Park’s Shomrim, in which he was convicted of an illegal-gun charge for shooting at them with .22-caliber handgun, says he was targeted by the Jewish neighborhood watch group for appearing to be Muslim. [NY Post]
• An agreement between Israel, Jordan, and the Palestinian Authority to finally build a pipeline between the Red Sea and the Dead Sea, producing much-needed drinking water for the region, is reportedly nearing completion. [Times of Israel]
• Spotted: David Miliband, who became British tabloid fodder after his younger brother Ed beat him to become Labour party leader in a much-publicized 2010 election, seeking refuge in New York City. [NYT]
• Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen will write Nora Ephron’s official biography. [Page Six]
• The Israeli developer of a swallowable camera that detects and diagnoses problems in the digestive tract is $860 million richer after his firm was bought by an Irish company. [JTA]
• Simon Cowell is reportedly considering a Jewish wedding if he ties the knot with girlfriend Lauren Silverman, who is pregnant with his child, as well as mulling a possible conversion. [International Business Times]
Stephanie Butnick is chief strategy officer of Tablet Magazine, co-founder of Tablet Studios, and a host of the Unorthodox podcast.