The NFL Draft is tonight—the last time the league will get sustained media attention until the dog days of summer, when camps convene. So I’d like to share with you a letter I received in the mail almost a month ago from a man in Illinois. In a card with a picture of a Newfoundland sunrise, he wrote,
I just read your article about Tim Tebow coming to N.Y.! I’m a Christian, have been a pastor for many years. We love and honor Israel, and the Jewish people God’s chosen … you are the root we Gentiles have been grafted in! (ROMANS 11) God bless you. [signed]
Here’s the blog post in question (and here’s Romans 11—appears to be a reference to verse 17). You’ll note that my take on Tebow coming to New York was snarky—I mean, of course it was. I think the existence and earnest conviction of people like the letter-writer doesn’t mean I can’t still make jokes. I just think it means we need to remember it’s not a joke to everyone.
On the top half of the folded card, he wrote something else: “Go Jets!!!’
Earlier: Welcome to New York City, Tim Tebow!
Marc Tracy is a staff writer at The New Republic, and was previously a staff writer at Tablet. He tweets @marcatracy.