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Some People Are Happy Tebow Is in New York

They just may not themselves be in New York

Marc Tracy
April 26, 2012
Tim Tebow at Yankee Stadium. (Yes that is Dwyane Wade behind him.)(Nick Laham/Getty Images)
Tim Tebow at Yankee Stadium. (Yes that is Dwyane Wade behind him.)(Nick Laham/Getty Images)

The NFL Draft is tonight—the last time the league will get sustained media attention until the dog days of summer, when camps convene. So I’d like to share with you a letter I received in the mail almost a month ago from a man in Illinois. In a card with a picture of a Newfoundland sunrise, he wrote,

I just read your article about Tim Tebow coming to N.Y.! I’m a Christian, have been a pastor for many years. We love and honor Israel, and the Jewish people God’s chosen … you are the root we Gentiles have been grafted in! (ROMANS 11) God bless you. [signed]

Here’s the blog post in question (and here’s Romans 11—appears to be a reference to verse 17). You’ll note that my take on Tebow coming to New York was snarky—I mean, of course it was. I think the existence and earnest conviction of people like the letter-writer doesn’t mean I can’t still make jokes. I just think it means we need to remember it’s not a joke to everyone.

On the top half of the folded card, he wrote something else: “Go Jets!!!’

Marc Tracy is a staff writer at The New Republic, and was previously a staff writer at Tablet. He tweets @marcatracy.