Sundown: Lieberman Condemns Recent Violence
Plus the Dersh calls for a settlement freeze, and more

• Avigdor Lieberman’s Foreign Ministry released a humane, sensible statement condemning the recent spate of violence against African migrants. That’s … there’s no punch line, it really did and good for him. [Haaretz]
• Israel-laster Alan Dershowitz urges Prime Minister Netanyahu to impose another settlement freeze in the hopes of getting back to the negotiating table. [WSJ]
• J.J. Goldberg riffs on a Miami synagogue’s un-invitation of Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz to argue that liberal Jewish voices are being silenced. I think he has a point about Schultz’ case specifically. I also think you’re reading a liberal Jewish voice link to an article by another liberal Jewish voice. [Forward]
• In a small German city, the neo-Nazis are, in a rare move, behind the Social Democratic mayor because he called for a boycott of Israel. [JPost]
• Congregation Beth Elohim pays it forward. [Forward]
• Adam Chandler examines Sheila Broflovski’s elder son Kyle. [Jewcy]
It seems clear that unless you are an actual legitimate Boston fan, you should root for whichever teams wins the Western Conference Finals.
Marc Tracy is a staff writer at The New Republic, and was previously a staff writer at Tablet. He tweets @marcatracy.