Tablet Magazine Celebrates One Year
These are a few of our favorite things, part 1

Tuesday marks Tablet Magazine’s one-year anniversary, and in the run-up, we’re remembering our ten favorite articles from the past 12 months. Consider this your first of four installments. In no particular order …
• “A Zionist Supreme” by Adam Kirsch, September 29, 2009. Kirsch, our books critic, credited Louis Brandeis, the first Jewish U.S. Supreme Court justice, with “la[ying] out the terms of the compact that still governs American Jews’ relations with Israel: they would offer money and moral support, but not sacrifice their Americanness.”
• “Mother May I?” by Eryn Loeb, June 11, 2009. Loeb, a contributing editor, revisits A Treasure for My Daughter, which contains everything a young Jewish woman is supposed to know … in 1950.
• “King Without a Crown” by Allison Hoffman, May 10, 2010. Hoffman, our senior writer, epically profiled Malcolm Hoenlein, one of the most politically influential American Jews.
Do you have other favorites? List ’em in the comments …
These articles are not currently attributed to anyone. We’re working on it!