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Tablet Writer on ‘Guardian’ Podcast

Hoffman discusses Rabbi Leib Tropper

Marc Tracy
February 12, 2010

In honor of Valentine’s Day, “Sounds Jewish,” the Guardian’s Semitic-themed podcast, today tackles the Rabbi Leib Tropper scandal. Tropper is the Monsey, New York-based ultra-Orthodox conversion guru disgraced by allegations, in part broken by Tablet Magazine, that he attempted to trade conversion for sex. And the fun part is, podcaster David Solomons invited none other than our very own Allison Hoffman onto the program.

So give it a listen! Allison, Solomons, and Jewish Chronicle editor Miriam Shaviv discuss Tropper from roughly the 1:25 mark to 11:45.

And may your Valentine’s Day be less ironically celebrated than by discussing Leib Tropper.

Related: Sex, Lies, and Audiotape [Tablet Magazine]

Marc Tracy is a staff writer at The New Republic, and was previously a staff writer at Tablet. He tweets @marcatracy.

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