Take a Trip to Israel With Glenn Beck
An imagined photo-diary

Glenn Beck is in the Holy Land! With David Barton, the conservative pseudo-historian with a white-supremacist past! He had plans to meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu! But most importantly, he is keeping a running photo-diary of his trip. Let’s follow him, shall we?
“But why do they call it Jerusalem stone?”
“I want that.”
“I know the Wayfarers make it confusing, but, no, I am not related to the folk musician Bob Dylan.”
“Where’d Barton go? Where’d Barton go?? Oh, whew, there you are. Sorry, I couldn’t see you because of your camouflage yarmulke.”
“You’ll have to help me—does ‘Glenn’ have one or two ns?”
“Nothing like delicious, locally raised pork.”
Exclusive Photos: Glenn Beck in Israel [Glenn Beck]
Glenn Beck of Fox News to Meet With Netanyahu, Danon [JPost]
Related: History Lesson [Tablet Magazine]
Marc Tracy is a staff writer at The New Republic, and was previously a staff writer at Tablet. He tweets @marcatracy.