Tel Aviv Stock Exchange Typo; Erdogan’s Ennui
Plus an argument for European Jews heading elsewhere, and more in the news

• A trader’s typing error caused one of Israel’s largest corporations to drop 99 percent in value yesterday, bringing the entire Tel Aviv Stock Exchange down several pointskldsfk. [Times of Israel]
• Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan doesn’t understand why the White House had to go and criticize his claim that Israel was behind the ousting of Mohamed Morsi. He thought they were allies. [Jerusalem Post]
• A Financial Times reader in London explains the situation in the Middle East in one tidy letter to the editor. [BuzzFeed]
• Hillel Halkin posits that European Jews might want to consider packing up and moving elsewhere. [Mosaic]
• Move over, Homeland. The latest Israeli TV show to be transplanted to American viewers is Irreversible, and ABC paid seven figures to get it. [Haaretz]
• Naftali Bennett is behind a new plan that would provide the Women of the Wall a 400-square meter space at Robinson’s Arch, away from the main prayer area, which the Women of the Wall promply rejected. [Haaretz]
Stephanie Butnick is chief strategy officer of Tablet Magazine, co-founder of Tablet Studios, and a host of the Unorthodox podcast.