Tell Us What You Really Think
Take Tablet’s reader survey

Magazines, when they’re doing what they should, are really two things at once. They are, of course, vehicles through which a group of editors and writers transmit the ideas that they think are worth sharing. But this is just half the story. A good magazine should also serve as mirror. It should help bring into focus, and then reflect back, the world as it’s experienced by our readers.
That’s where we could use your help.
In an effort to give our readers more of what you want (and less of what you don’t want!), we’d like to ask you some questions. They’re not too personal, and they’re more interesting than you might imagine. Upon completing the survey, you’ll be entered to win a $250 gift card to the famed Russ & Daughters appetizing shop (kosher options available).
Even if you don’t win, you’ll be the recipient of our bottomless love and gratitude—and the knowledge that you contributed to the act of making journalism better for everyone. It may not be smoked fish, but it’s definitely something.
Click here to take the survey.
Alana Newhouse is the editor-in-chief of Tablet Magazine.