The Vulture Was A Spy
And we have the proof!

“Vulture in Saudi Custody Suspected as Mossad Agent” -Arutz Sheva
Tablet Magazine has been given an exclusive look at the last known transmission between a vulture, identification code R65, captured in Saudi Arabia and his handlers, who are bird ecologists at Tel Aviv University. Or so they want you to think.
MOSSAD: “Vulture R65, are you there? Come in, Vulture R65!”
VULTURE R65: “Brawck!”
MOSSAD: “Roger that. Have you entered Saudi airspace?”
VULTURE R65: “Brawck!”
MOSSAD: “Okay, good. We knew we could count on you. Now we are going to tell you your exact mission.”
VULTURE R65: “Brawck!”
MOSSAD: “Right, exactly. Recon. We want you to drop to an altitude of 50 meters. Then—”
VULTURE R65: “Brawck!”
MOSSAD: “Hold on, Vulture R65, we’re not finished. Drop to an altitude of 50 meters and then you’ll want to—”
VULTURE R65: “Brawck!”
MOSSAD: “Dammit Vulture R65, please let us finish. That is an order.”
VULTURE R65: “Brawck!”
MOSSAD: “Thank you.”
VULTURE R65: “Brawck!”
MOSSAD: “So go to 50 meters, spy on this powerful sheikh, then come back home and tell us what you saw. And for heaven’s sake, don’t get caught!”
VULTURE R65: “Brawck!”
MOSSAD: “Do you copy?”
VULTURE R65: “Brawck!”
MOSSAD: “Okay. Good luck, and be safe. The State of Israel is counting on you. Over and out.”
VULTURE R65: “Brawck!”
Marc Tracy is a staff writer at The New Republic, and was previously a staff writer at Tablet. He tweets @marcatracy.