Tiffany Shlain, the founder of the Webby Awards, will be among the presenters at Dawn 2010, the Tablet-sponsored late-night cultural arts festival going down in honor of Shavuot on the evening of Saturday, May 15 in San Francisco. (Then, the next morning, she will give the commencement address at UC-Berkeley. Oof!)
Shlain told me that she will premiering a new, narrated version of a three-minute film, which she directed, called Yelp: with apologies to Allen Ginsberg, which “retools parts of Ginsberg’s ‘Howl’ in thinking about how plugged in we are as a species and underscores the importance of unplugging.” She continued: “We were inspired to make this piece after hearing Reboot was organizing a ‘National Day of Unplugging.’”
Beyond the premiere, what’s she most excited about? “Seeing all the funky Jews in one place.”
A few years ago, Shlain sat for a Vox Tablet podcast about her earlier film, The Tribe.
Marc Tracy is a staff writer at The New Republic, and was previously a staff writer at Tablet. He tweets @marcatracy.