New Rabbi Pinto news! You may remember that Rabbi Yishayahu Yosef Pinto, the Hebrew-speaking scion of a prominent Moroccan rabbinical family, is a spiritual adviser to the stars (including LeBron James) and extremely sketchy businessman. Today, the Forward‘s Josh Nathan-Kazis reports that Pinto’s “right-hand man,” a 33-year-old Israeli named Ben Zion Suky, used to have a business selling a Montreal company’s bootlegged movies. And by movies, we’re talking about pornography; specifically, “catalog titles,” as opposed to recent releases. Hey, if you haven’t seen it, I guess it’s new to you?
Top Pinto Aid Tied to Porn Sales and Legal Trouble [Forward]
Earlier: Where the Rabbi Gets His Money
LeBron Consults Shady Kabbalist Rabbi
Marc Tracy is a staff writer at The New Republic, and was previously a staff writer at Tablet. He tweets @marcatracy.